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1. Horsehead & Flame Nebulae in Orion, 2. Pacman Nebula NGC281 2024-08-05, 3. Solar Eclipse Prominences from Little Rock, 4. Horsehead and Flame Nebulae from Silver City, 5. Bad Wolf Ranch Andromeda Galaxy, 6. Crescent Nebula NGC 6888, 7. Beauty in the dark, the Iris Nebula, NGC 7023, 8. Conjunction of Mars and Venus near the crescent Moon, 9. Venus and the Moon set in Marfa, 10. Colorful Coconino Pleiades, 11. May Flower Moon from Austin, 12. Atacama Moon from ALMA, 13. Apollo 50th Full Moon, 14. Sword of Orion from Terlingua Texas, 15. Nearly First Quarter Moon from Austin, 16. Waxing Crescent Moon from Austin, 17. A day before the Full Moon 180330, 18. Beaver Moon Rise from Austin Texas, 19. 2017 Great American Eclipse Revisited - put a ring on it!, 20. Full Moon before Total Solar Eclipse 2017, 21. The Crescent Moon with Jupiter and moons, 22. One Armed Moon 160918, 23. Waxing Crescent Moon with Earthshine 160628, 24. Austin Waning Crescent Moon 16-01-04, 25. Christmas Eve nearly full Moon, 26. La Befana full Moon coming up, 27. Geminid Meteor and holiday lit trees, 28. Lunar Occultation Of Venus 151207, 29. Welcome to Winter with M42 The Great Nebula in Orion, 30. MoonFull151027Best20of40Sima15NebLynkDC, 31. Mercury and earthshine on the Moon 151011 HDR Mosaic, 32. Moon First Quarter + 1 day 150922, 33. Waning Gibbous Moon 201509020701, 34. The nearly Blue Moon Revisited
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